Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day Two-Love is Kind

Day Two
Love is kind.

Today along with trying to not say anything negitive, they dare also asked me to do something nice for my spouse.

It wasnt a real big thing, but at dinner time i didnt make him get up and get it. I asked him what he wanted for the choice of pizza and i got it for him.

What i am learning out of this dare so far, is exactly what i want to be learning... how to be a better wife. i know i am a good wife, but i want to be better. i want ben to look at me and say- i want what you have. i pray every night for him. i pray that he finds the Lord like i have. and to fully and 110 percent beleives in it.. there is nothing more that i want to have is a god centered marriage. i want my husband to be the one that say lets go to church, lets pray, lets have some bible study time as a married couple. i want that sooooo badly, and that is my biggest and utter most prayer, and i hope by doing this- he looks over and he sees the change in me.

i feel like i am going on a journey, but i am going alone. i feel like i am growing but as i am growing i look at us and we are stuck. and i am not talking fincially or whatever, i am talking about inner feeling.  I do the whole AA thing and i do that alone- there not much i can talk to him about that, cause well its anyomous and you cant- than with god and church its like i am doing that alone too. =/

but this dare so far is teach me patient and kindess. and as long as i live my life through God and pray about it- and in bens time he hopefully will truely see the wonderfullness and the powerfulness of our God.

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