Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day One- Love is patient.


I started the love dare today, in hopes to make my marriage better. it isnt bad to the point of wanting a divorce. I know God doesnt believe in divorce, and i truly dont want it. I love Ben with all my heart, i just want to be a better wife. i feel like some days i fail at being the wife that God wants me to be. and i know ben and he will say you are a wonderful wife, dont feel like a failure, but the truth is-i know i can be a BETTER wife. i dont want to be the wife that is always nagging and telling ben how unhappy i am with what he does around the house, because to be honest- he does do ALOT for me AFTER working 8 in a half some times longer shifts at work. God has convicted me of the character defect. he is showing me the ways to become the wife that god KNOWS i can be.

...and patients is one of them right now. patients is something that I know i have to take work on. For that being the day one dare, i think i did good with it..

See, i needed ben to call me this morning to wake me up for i was having a friend come over at noontime and i wanted to be up early enough to take a shower and so fourth, but he didnt call me....

the old respond: i would have called him up and made some kind or scaristic remark like "way to NOT call me like i asked you too. or " what you cant call me for two seconds and say wake up?" and i would have gone off on a tangnt about how he did that to ME.. and what not...

The new respond: i waited until he called me when he was able to. and he aplogized FIRST. and with out coming to a negitive respond like whatever, of course work is to busy to give me a call... i just said "its ok, i understand that you are busy.' because i do understand. i understand very much so. i did think about it, than i felt God tug at me, and said think twice before you open your mouth. and i did. its not like ben goes to work each day so he can get away from me, he goes to work each day for us. so we can have some what of a decent life together. and that i should be grateful. and for that i am.

I am also doing a bible study/reading on how to be a better wife. its called 'Ever womans marriage' and its a really good book/workbook. it is helping me see things in Gods way, and its helping me on ways to react and not react. and its also helping me see that ben is a human being to. that he too HAS feelings.


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